
Showing posts from May, 2018

#backto - May

Happy belated birthday dearself! Thank you so much my lovely roomates for the belated birthday surprise. It was celebrated 15 days after my birthday and i dont expect any kind surprise like this would happen. iloveyougirls! me and my favorite pavlova. so much love *touched* my beautiful pavlove. This is appreciation post just for them. I will remember all the surprises. Video coming soon on my channel. (but im so slay-keh and ugly in the video haha). They just know how to make me happy by getting me a pavlova T.T. Thank you so much you beautiful girls. Ended my teen with pav+love celebration. Till then. 

#backto - April

Hai, tyma is back! Its been a while weh. Finally, i sempat curi masa nak update. Ye lah, dekat rumah sewa mana lah nak ada wifi ni. Line pun kekadang ada kekadang tadek haih sabar je lah. Kita throwback sikit lah ek event time bulan April ni, aku memang eksaited tunggu April ni sebab macam busy sikit haa phone pun penuh memory weh dengan gambar apa semua. -------------------------------------------->_<------------------------------------------------ 19 April 2018 Cuna's Birthday In Advance Celebration Cuna ni ex-roomates time dekat Kolej Mawar semester satu. Kitaorang kira macam rapat gak la, sebab memasing bersama bersatu hati berteguh cerai roboh gitu sebelum ada buah hati lols lols. Tapi semester dua kiteorang bertiga move out and stay rumah sewa tapi Cuna stay kolej sebab dia dak dak palapes, so memang dia kena duk kolej la sebab busy training apa semua kan. Kitaorang pun plan untuk celebrate birthday dia awal since kiteorang sibuk 22 April tu...